Snails For Sale

Snails are an essential cleaner, but not all are safe for coral reefs.  There are many different species and they vary in size and structure.  Snails are remarkable scavengers that are constantly removing algae and debris tucked deeply into coral reefs and rock reefs.  They do well in any environment and are generally peaceful.  Some Snails, however, can be more aggressive, so it is best to allow them plenty of space and extra food when needed.

Cerith Snail

Cerithium sp.

Sale Cerith Snail

Assorted Sand Sifting Nassarius Snails Nassarius Snails- Baja, or Nassarius Snail Caribbean

Nassarius sp.

Sale Assorted Sand Sifting Nassarius Snails Nassarius Snails- Baja, or Nassarius Snail Caribbean

Nassarius Snail

Nassarius sp.

Sale Nassarius Snail

Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 50

Astrea tecta

Sale Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 50

Nerite Snail - East Pacific

Nerite Sp.

Sale Nerite Snail - East Pacific

Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10

Astrea tecta

Sale Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 10

Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 30

Astrea tecta

Sale Turbo/Astrea Snail - Group of 30

Big Boy Reef Package! 100 Reef Safe Hermit Crabs + 100 Cleaner Snails

Sale Big Boy Reef Package! 100 Reef Safe Hermit Crabs + 100 Cleaner Snails

Cerith Snails, Cortez or Cerith Snail Caribbean

Cerithium sp.

Sale Cerith Snails, Cortez or Cerith Snail Caribbean

20 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs + 20 Cerith Snails

Sale 20 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs + 20 Cerith Snails

20 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs + 20 Margarita Snails

Sale 20 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs + 20 Margarita Snails

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 30+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 30+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 55+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 55+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 75+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 75+

Algae Destroyer Pack - Basic 55+

Sale Algae Destroyer Pack - Basic 55+

Algae Destroyer Pack - Basic 75+

Sale Algae Destroyer Pack - Basic 75+

50 Snails & Crabs Value Pack

Sale 50 Snails & Crabs Value Pack

Reef Cleaner Pack - Premium 55+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Premium 55+

Trochus Snail : Black and White

Trochus sp.

Sale Trochus Snail : Black and White

Banded Trochus Snail

Trochus niloticus

Sale Banded Trochus Snail

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