Angelfish Dwarf For Sale

Dwarf Angelfish are generally bold in nature.  For that reason, they shouldn't be kept together unless they are in male and female pairs.  Dwarf Angelfish dominate their environment and tend to stay front and center.  They are very popular for their bright colors and ease of care.  Dwarf Angelfish graze the reef looking for algae.  Arguably the best feature is that most dwarf angelfish stay relatively small which allows a wide variety of suitable environments. Keep reading to delve deeper …

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Bicolor Angelfish

Centropyge bicolor

Sale Bicolor Angelfish

Coral Beauty Angelfish

Centropyge bispinosa

Sale Coral Beauty Angelfish

Joculator Angelfish - Australia

Centropyge joculator

Sale Joculator Angelfish - Australia

Multi-Barred Angelfish

Paracentropyge multifasiata

Sale Multi-Barred Angelfish

Midnight Angelfish

Centropyge nox

Sale Midnight Angelfish

Bluefin Pygmy Angelfish

Centropyge multispinnis

Sale Bluefin Pygmy Angelfish

Golden Angelfish

Centropyge aurantia

Sale Golden Angelfish

Half Black Angelfish

Centropyge vroliki

Sale Half Black Angelfish

Multicolor Angelfish - Marshall Island

Centropyge multicolor

Sale Multicolor Angelfish - Marshall Island

White Tailed Pygmy Angelfish

Centropyge flavicauda

Sale White Tailed Pygmy Angelfish

Eibli Angelfish

Centropyge eibli

Sale Eibli Angelfish

Melas (Keyhole) Angelfish

Centropyge tibicen

Sale Melas (Keyhole) Angelfish

Blacktail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

Centropyge flavissima x vroliki

Sale Blacktail Lemonpeel Hybrid Angelfish

Lemonpeel Angelfish - Aquacultured

Centropyge flavissima

Sale Lemonpeel Angelfish - Aquacultured

Coral Beauty Angelfish - Aquacultured

Centropyge bispinosus

Sale Coral Beauty Angelfish - Aquacultured

Coral Beauty Angelfish Tiger Tail

Centropyge cf. bispinosa

Sale Coral Beauty Angelfish Tiger Tail

Flameback Angelfish - Africa

Centropyge acanthops

Sale Flameback Angelfish - Africa

Yellow Angelfish

Centropyge heraldi

Sale Yellow Angelfish

Pygmy Angelfish

Centropyge argi

Sale Pygmy Angelfish

Flameback Angelfish - Caribbean

Centropyge aurantonotus

Sale Flameback Angelfish  - Caribbean

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