Invertebrates Available For Sale

Invertebrates, also known as inverts, are a diverse group of animals that simply lack a back bone.  They are found in all parts of the world and are well known for their scavenging skills as well as their filter feeding and "cleaning" abilities. While a Starfish or Sea Urchin may be easily recognized, Invertebrates include some very odd members, such as a Sea Apple or Nudibranch. Invertebrates are a necessary component as they remove debris, and absorb and filter minerals to keep a balanced environment.

Invertebrates Available For Sale

Mangrove Seed Pod

Rhizophora sp

Sale Mangrove Seed Pod

Margarita Turbo Snail

Tequla sp.

Sale Margarita Turbo Snail

Margarite Green Spiral Snail

Tegula verdispira

Sale Margarite Green Spiral Snail

Maxi-Mini Carpet Anemone

Stichodactyla tapetum

Sale Maxi-Mini Carpet Anemone

Mermaid's Fan

Udotea flabellum

Sale Mermaid's Fan

Nassarius Snail

Nassarius sp.

Sale Nassarius Snail

Nerite Snail - East Pacific

Nerite Sp.

Sale Nerite Snail - East Pacific

Orange Linckia Starfish

Linckia sp.

Sale Orange Linckia Starfish

Pillow Cushion Starfish

Culcita sp.

Sale Pillow Cushion Starfish

Pincushion Urchin

Lytechinus sp.

Sale Pincushion Urchin

Pistol Shrimp: Tiger

Alpheus bellulus

Sale Pistol Shrimp: Tiger

Porcelain Crab

Petrolisthes sp.

Sale Porcelain Crab

Red Fiddler Crab

Uca sp.

Sale Red Fiddler Crab

Red Graciliaria Macroalgae

Gracilaria spp.

Sale Red Graciliaria Macroalgae

Red Leg Hermit Crab

Paguristes sp.

Sale Red Leg Hermit Crab

Red Leg Hermit Crab- Group of 10 - Mexico

Sale Red Leg Hermit Crab- Group of 10 - Mexico

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 30+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 30+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 55+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 55+

Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 75+

Sale Reef Cleaner Pack - Basic 75+

Rock Flower Anemone: Ultra - Atlantic

Epicystis crucifer

Sale Rock Flower Anemone: Ultra - Atlantic

Sally Lightfoot Crab

Percnon gibbesi

Sale Sally Lightfoot Crab

Sea Apple

Pseudocolochirus violaceus

Sale Sea Apple

Sexy Shrimp

Thor amboinensis

Sale Sexy Shrimp

Tiger Tail Cucumber

Holothuria sp.

Sale Tiger Tail Cucumber

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