Invertebrates Available For Sale

Invertebrates, also known as inverts, are a diverse group of animals that simply lack a back bone.  They are found in all parts of the world and are well known for their scavenging skills as well as their filter feeding and "cleaning" abilities. While a Starfish or Sea Urchin may be easily recognized, Invertebrates include some very odd members, such as a Sea Apple or Nudibranch. Invertebrates are a necessary component as they remove debris, and absorb and filter minerals to keep a balanced environment.

Invertebrates Available For Sale

Octopus: Brown - Pacific

Octopus sp.

Sale Octopus: Brown - Pacific

Pederson Cleaner Shrimp - Caribbean

Periclimenes pedersoni

Sale Pederson Cleaner Shrimp - Caribbean

Pencil Urchin

Eucidaris tribuloides

Sale Pencil Urchin

Peppermint Shrimp

Lysmata wurdemanni

Sale Peppermint Shrimp

Pincushion Urchin Red

Salmacis bicolor

Sale Pincushion Urchin Red

Pink and Black Cucumber - Indian Ocean

Holothuria edulis

Sale Pink and Black Cucumber - Indian Ocean

Pink Warty Cucumber

Cercodemas anceps

Sale Pink Warty Cucumber

Pistol Shrimp Red Leg

Synalpheus sp.

Sale Pistol Shrimp Red Leg

Pistol Shrimp: Bullseye

Alpheus soror

Sale Pistol Shrimp: Bullseye

Pistol Shrimp: Randalli

Alpheus randalli

Sale Pistol Shrimp: Randalli

Pom Pom Crab - Indo Pacific

Lybia tessellata, Bunodeopsis sp.

Sale Pom Pom Crab - Indo Pacific

Purple Lobster

Enomopletapus sp.

Sale Purple Lobster

Purple Sea Slug

Hypselodoris bullocki

Sale Purple Sea Slug

Queensland Biscuit Starfish

Anchitosia queenslandensis

Sale Queensland Biscuit Starfish

Red (Fromia) Starfish

Fromia sp.

Sale Red (Fromia) Starfish

Red and Black Star

Fromia sp.

Sale Red and Black Star

Red Boring Sponge - Atlantic

Cliona lampa

Sale Red Boring Sponge - Atlantic

Red Brittle Starfish

Ophiocoma sp.

Sale Red Brittle Starfish

Red Graciliaria - Flat Blade Red Brush

Gracilaria hayi

Sale Red Graciliaria - Flat Blade Red Brush

Red Knob Star

Echinaster echinophorus

Sale Red Knob Star

Red Moon Snail - East Pacific

Norrisia norrisii

Sale Red Moon Snail - East Pacific

Red Serpent Starfish

Ophioderma squamoisissinum

Sale Red Serpent Starfish

Red Tree Sponge - Caribbean

Axinella sp.

Sale Red Tree Sponge - Caribbean

Red/Orange/Yellow Tree Sponge Mini

Axinella sp.

Sale Red/Orange/Yellow Tree Sponge Mini

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