Saltwater Fish Available For Sale

Saltwater Fish are wildly popular today, as science and technology have made it easier than ever to own and operate a saltwater fish tank.  Many species of Saltwater Fish are aquacultured and others are humanely collected from all of the tropical oceans of the world.   Saltwater Fish are desirable for their bright colors, bold patterns, and ease of care.  There are reef safe fish and predatory fish, so hobbyists must consider tank size and compatibility so their Saltwater Fish will live a long healthy life.

Saltwater Fish Available For Sale

White Tail Yellow Eye Tang

Ctenochaetus flavicauda

Sale White Tail Yellow Eye Tang

Wide Band Clownfish - Aquacultured

Amphiprion latezonatus

Sale Wide Band Clownfish - Aquacultured

Wide Band Clownfish : Misbar - Aquacultured

Amphiprion latezonatus

Sale Wide Band Clownfish : Misbar - Aquacultured

Wide-Barred Shrimp Goby - Red Sea/ Indian Ocean

Amblyeleotris latifasciata

Sale Wide-Barred Shrimp Goby - Red Sea/ Indian Ocean

Yasha Shrimp Goby

Stonogobiops sp.

Sale Yasha Shrimp Goby

Yasha Shrimp Goby - Captive Bred

Stonogobiops sp.

Sale Yasha Shrimp Goby - Captive Bred

Yellow Angelfish

Centropyge heraldi

Sale Yellow Angelfish

Yellow Assessor - Australia

Assessor flavissimus

Sale Yellow Assessor - Australia

Yellow Watchman Shrimpgoby

Cryptocentrus cinctus

Sale Yellow Watchman Shrimpgoby

Yellow-Fin Flasher Wrasse

Paracheilinus flavianalis

Sale Yellow-Fin Flasher Wrasse

Yellow-Flanked Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus ryukyuensis

Sale Yellow-Flanked Fairy Wrasse

Yellowfin Pygmy Angelfish

Centropyge flavipectoralis

Sale Yellowfin Pygmy Angelfish

4 Stripe Damsel

Dascyllus melanurus

Sale 4 Stripe Damsel

4-Wheel Drive Goby

Signigobius biocellatus

Sale 4-Wheel Drive Goby

Adorned Wrasse - Red Sea

Halichoeres cosmetus

Sale Adorned Wrasse - Red Sea

Africanus Angel

Holacanthus africanus

Sale Africanus Angel

Agile Bronze Chromis

Chromis agilis

Sale Agile Bronze Chromis

Allard's Clownfish - Africa

Amphiprion allardi

Sale Allard's Clownfish - Africa

Allen's Damsel

Pomacentrus alleni

Sale Allen's Damsel

Altivelis Butterfly - Australia

Coradion altivelis

Sale Altivelis Butterfly - Australia

Ambon Damsel

Pomacentrus amboinensis

Sale Ambon Damsel

Annularis Angelfish

Pomacanthus annularis

Sale Annularis Angelfish

Armitage Angelfish

Apolemichthys armitage

Sale Armitage Angelfish

Arrowhead Basslet

Belonoperca chabanaudi

Sale Arrowhead Basslet

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