Saltwater Fish Available For Sale

Saltwater Fish are wildly popular today, as science and technology have made it easier than ever to own and operate a saltwater fish tank.  Many species of Saltwater Fish are aquacultured and others are humanely collected from all of the tropical oceans of the world.   Saltwater Fish are desirable for their bright colors, bold patterns, and ease of care.  There are reef safe fish and predatory fish, so hobbyists must consider tank size and compatibility so their Saltwater Fish will live a long healthy life.

Saltwater Fish Available For Sale

Bluestripe Snapper

Lutjanus kasmira

Sale Bluestripe Snapper

Bluestriped Fangblenny

Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos

Sale Bluestriped Fangblenny

Boenacki (Blueline) Grouper

Cephalopholis boenack

Sale Boenacki (Blueline) Grouper

Boomerang Trigger

Sufflamen bursa

Sale Boomerang Trigger

Bowtie Damsel

Neoglyphidodon melas

Sale Bowtie Damsel

Brassy Cardinal

Ostorhinchus flavus

Sale Brassy Cardinal

Brazilian Royal Gramma - Captive Bred

Gramma brasiliensis

Sale Brazilian Royal Gramma - Captive Bred

Bright-Eye Damsel - Melanesia

Plectroglyphidodon imparipennis

Sale Bright-Eye Damsel - Melanesia

Broomtail Wrasse - Red Sea

Cheilinus lunulatus

Sale Broomtail Wrasse - Red Sea

Brown-Banded Bamboo Shark

Chiloscyllium punctatum

Sale Brown-Banded Bamboo Shark

Brown-Spotted Rabbitfish

Siganus laqueus

Sale Brown-Spotted Rabbitfish

Browncheek Blenny

Acanthemblemaria crockeri

Sale Browncheek Blenny

Brunneus Fairy Wrasse

Cirrhilabrus brunneus

Sale Brunneus Fairy Wrasse

Bullet Hole Clownfish - Captive Bred

Amphiprion ocellaris

Sale Bullet Hole Clownfish - Captive Bred

Burgess Butterfly

Chaetodon burgessi

Sale Burgess Butterfly

Burgess Hybrid Butterfly

Chaetodon burgessi x tinker

Sale Burgess Hybrid Butterfly

Bursa Trigger

Rhinecanthus verrucosus

Sale Bursa Trigger

Butter Hamlet

Hypoplectrus unicolor

Sale Butter Hamlet

Bynoe Sleeper Goby

Amblygobius bynoensis

Sale Bynoe Sleeper Goby

California Stingray

Urobatis halleri

Sale California Stingray

Candy Cane Pygmy Goby

Trimma cana

Sale Candy Cane Pygmy Goby

Caribbean Sharpnose Puffer

Canthigaster rostrata

Sale Caribbean Sharpnose Puffer

Catalina Goby - Eastern Pacific

Lythrypnus dalli

Sale Catalina Goby - Eastern Pacific

Chameleon Wrasse

Halichoeres dispilus

Sale Chameleon Wrasse

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